Balls to the Wall

These have been two very crazy weeks for me. Not to mention, tomorrow marks pre-finals week. Joy. On top of how busy I've been between meetings, friends, school, meetings, work, ministry, and meetings, I've been thinking a lot about "going for it".

What do you mean "going for it"? I know that's what you're thinking. What I mean is simply going after whatever you want. Setting goals and working your butt off until you are finally reaching them. All out. Balls to the wall mentality. For me, I wouldn't consider what I'm "going for" to be a goal, rather the act of "going for it" is the goal. Sometimes, it's equally as hard to complete something as it is to start. Essentially, that's where my battle lies.

I'm busy and I make excuses, but I'm realizing now I need to just "man up" (your welcome MRHS) and do it. No day but today. Life is short. Live it up. What do you have to lose!?  ...  I mean, I have my integrity and that's about it. It seems the only thing holding me back is that, but is the possible reward worth putting it on the line for? That, I'm not sure 100% about yet. I think so, but I'm just not sure. I'm going to put it on the line anyway. Hopefully, at some point this week I will be able to go for it. Go big or go home.

Vaguest post ever. I'm sorry.

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 4, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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