The Conclusion Train

Besides realizing I'm not a very good blogger, I've recently realized I'm quick to jump to conclusions. Never had I realized this before, but I now see how absolutely terrible this can be. I know I don't always do it, however, I do it nonetheless. The worst part is, jumping to conclusions too rapidly can lead to resentment... yes, personal situation.

After my "balls to the wall" rant, I set out to do it. I did it. The next day in fact. And while success momentarily came from the situation and I was extremely excited about it, just as quick and easy as it came it slipped away. At that point, I jumped on the conclusion train and took it to woe-is-me. But why? Why do we create these false realities in our heads?

I have no idea. What I do know, nearly a month later, is the full story behind my initial let down; a story nowhere near the one I fabricated in my head. A story that explains everything. A story that is true. A story that brings back hope. Sometimes, that's all it takes. I had completely let go of something that was real to me for the first time in a long time, for something that was fake and created by my brain. I know now, exactly how dumb I was being, how I stretched some parts to try and make sense of something. I should have approached the situation, but I couldn't bring myself to do so because I was so far gone on the conclusion train.

I can't explain the relief or joy I felt when the facts came my way. I have taken this as a slap in the face though, as a wake up call to not be so quick to think the worst. Also, I've realized exactly how important it is to turn to God in times of struggle and confusion. I don't know what's in store for my life, but God does. So, why don't I turn to Him more often? The age old question.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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